Don't judge me! That statement, while playful and funny, gets me internally on edge when I stop and think about it. As a Christian, I've been intimately involved with judgement and it's not good on the passing or receiving end! It's the least Christ-like part of my attempt at being Christ-like. I'm sure our highly opinionated viewpoints are the root of the saying "I'd be a Christian if it weren't for...Christians"!
My fellow Christians and I have turned a relationship with Jesus into a list of do's and don'ts. We accept and reject people depending on their adherence to these rules, and all the different groups of Christians have a different set of rules! However, the Bible has it's own rule about this: "judge not lest ye be judged" (that's right: I'm bustin out the King James!) but we don't call it judgement, we call its accountability. And this "accountability" runs rampant. Here's how it works: I get to tell anyone, anywhere, on any occasion that "you're doing it wrong". Mmmm, warm fuzzies! But let's admit it: we usually don't even have the guts to say it, we just give anyone with a differing opinion the ole stink-eye (cuz that's what Jesus would do?).
I don't think that's accountability. Accountability comes from someone who believes in you and wants to see you succeed, someone who's actually qualified to speak direction and wisdom into your life, not someone who just wants to point out your flaws. What we Christians are doing is just plain judgement! And here's the kicker: it's quite often based on opinions! We usually can't even back up our "accountability" with scripture! We criticize people just because they're not doing it our way!
God gave Christians the joy of telling the world what He's doing--instead we're busy telling each other what we should or shouldn't be doing!
Dear friends, if you've been harshly judged (or even worse, wrongly judged) please know this isn't how God works! On behalf of myself and my fellow Christians, I apologize! I apologize for misrepresenting the God of the Universe who so freely loves and adores you, even your flaws! His acceptance never ended when you made certain decisions! His willingness to help didn't stop just because you did something that raised eyebrows! He doesn't squash big thinking or shut down big dreams--God isn't jealous of your potential: He put it in you! God's judgement actually doesn't even happen until the end of your life, He designed your life to be a work in progress! God doesn't judge the outward He judges the heart! And unlike humans, God's judgement is perfect: He takes your circumstances, strengths, weaknesses, knowledge...everything...into consideration! Not one of us can do that!
Now shake off the critical voice that judgement installed inside your head. Let go of the critique of yourself and go back to seeing the potential God put in you. Forgive those who judged you since they have surely felt the sting of judgement as well. Resist the urge to judge them right back and instead see the favor that God has already given you and live your life expecting everything good God has planned for you! And remember: you are responsible for your own are only responsible for you!
James 5:7-9 You see farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature, patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work. 8 Be patient like that. Stay steady and strong. The Master could arrive at any time. 9 Friends, don't complain about each other. A far greater complaint could be lodged against you, you know. The Judge is standing just around the corner.