These thoughts and beliefs are not necessarily the thoughts or beliefs of those who attend The FUSION! My mind is off the wall and sprat-tic to some and may be under the influence of coffee! If you like comfortable and easy then this blog is not for you! If you like to challenge status quo and look outside the box and think what if and is that possible if I try then we will get along well! I love to call all into question that which is and ask the hard questions of why? P.S. No comments will be posted as anonymous! Get a pair!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

God will give you more than you can handle!

1 Cor 10:12-13 No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it. NASU
 We have all heard the statement in church or probably even me quote it before. "God will not give you more than you can handle!"  Its very safe to say that this is not true!  Here are a few thoughts to make you think and ultimately challenge you to do something with what you were given!

If life was based on what we can handle there would never be a reason for Jesus to be the Lord & Savior of our life!

  1. This life we live is the only hell a believer in Christ will ever face, but on a sad note this life we currently live is the only Heaven the non-believer will ever receive.
  2. How many of us say we care about our friends that don't know Jesus yet we do little to show them the answer to their live's greatest need!
  3. I have never heard of anyone accept Christ out of pure motive (as in they just want to be like Jesus and be holy). Most everyone I know gave Him a shot became their attempts at handling their own life were dismal failures!  Or they were scarred of hell!

Could Jesus handle the weight of the cross by himself? The Bible said He could do nothing without the FATHER!  We can do all things through Christ's strength!

  1. When we have no righteousness, joy, or peace, could this be because we are trying to handle things on our own?
  2. How often do we try to follow Christ and establish His Kingdom with our own strength?  
  3. Its when I can't handle the weight of my cross that I realize it was my burden and not His.

A vision for our life that we can handle is an insult to God!

  1. I believe its those"oh crap" moments that cause us to trust God and walk out supernatural faith!
  2. We all believe at times that we are fighting for the victory, yet in Christ we have the victory!  God sees us fighting from victory! This is how we can handle our struggles in life!
  3. Create a vision for your life that scares the crap out of you so you don't insult God by living a life beneath what incredible potential He put inside of you!
You are not who others say you are or even where your past failures have left currently left you!  Your story is yet been told!
  1. Be OK with what you can't handle on your own, because through risk God is about to show you off as His trophy! 
  2. Pay the price when others aren't looking!
  3. Your past is forgiven and we serve the God of 2nd chances!
It's truly when we can't handle the weight of the vision that we get to see faith at work, walk with Jesus, and experience life changing miracles!  Do something everyday that you didn't have the courage to try the day before!  Never stop dreaming, 

1 comment:

  1. Wow -- I've never thought about that before. This world is the only heaven that a non-believer will ever experience. Dang -- that's sad. Great point!


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