These thoughts and beliefs are not necessarily the thoughts or beliefs of those who attend The FUSION! My mind is off the wall and sprat-tic to some and may be under the influence of coffee! If you like comfortable and easy then this blog is not for you! If you like to challenge status quo and look outside the box and think what if and is that possible if I try then we will get along well! I love to call all into question that which is and ask the hard questions of why? P.S. No comments will be posted as anonymous! Get a pair!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Take Back Your Abundant Life

Do you ever find yourself spending too much time & energy doing something that’s completely unproductive? No, I’m not talking about watching TV, I’m not even talking about all our hours on Facebook...I’m talking about our hamster wheel.  You know, when you focus on an unchangeable situation, blame all your problems on it, and the solution usually doesn't involve YOU changing as much as SOMEONE ELSE who needs to do the changing?  Maybe you want the government to change or your boss....for most married people, it’s their spouse.  Whoever it is, it’s never you!  Focusing on this problem person is your hamster wheel.

We can spend hours practicing conversations we’d like to have explaining how they need to change...or fill up journals or blogs categorizing their many faults...or steer every gossip session to how they wronged us.  Or just engage them in an old fashioned screaming match...however we cope with the injustice of them: that’s the hamster wheel going round & round.

Your hamster wheel serves a very critical life purpose: it’s designed to eat away your time & energy. the time you could use to write that novel or build that business or work on your PX90 Hollywood body...all that time is just wasted away as you roll the other person’s problems around in your mind, getting nowhere, fixing nothing...STEALING YOUR LIFE AWAY!

It’s time to get rid of the hamster wheel!  

Emancipate yourself from the enslaving habit of dwelling on other people’s faults!  We can’t change people.  The only person we can change is ourselves!  And I know it seems like their problem is so big and our problem is so small, but when we own our part & fix our small problem, we will see an actual change in the situation.  

So, what if we decided to be thankful for the government who provides running water & sewers that don’t spill out onto the streets? Or thankful for our boss who continues to employ us so we can pay for our homes & gas & food?  What if we were thankful for our spouse and we purposefully reminded ourselves of their strengths instead of their annoying little habits?  Wouldn’t this alone change our life?

The fact is, we have an enemy who wants to steal, kill & destroy...even if it’s using something as simple as a hamster wheel...but Jesus wants to give us an ABUNDANT LIFE.  Decide today to do your part: be thankful for the little things and Jesus will do His part: He will amaze you with how abundant your life can really be!

Do it today! Throw away the hamster wheel and get ready to take back your abundant life!

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