24 But Jesus didn't trust them, for he knew mankind to the core. No one needed to tell him how changeable human nature is! TLB
This is personal to me and has been a promise and a standard that in transitions remains my guide. My wife wrote a song about the applause of one! It reminds me when you choose to find your praise from Man and not your Daddy that you will become discouraged and compromising to regain there praise when its lost! What I desire I become, so Jesus you are what I desire! The Kingdom of this world and everything in it is changing including the praise and disappoint of people daily. Yet I live in a Kingdom that cannot be shaken! (Heb. 12:28)
Now my story:
I set out to lead a ministry according to Gods pattern(The KINGDOM OF GOD) and not the pattern that I have seen or been taught. Although to some, a 35 year old man may be to young and to others to old, I never let age determine anything I do! The purpose was clear, PREACH THE KINGDOM OF GOD! (Luke 4:43) This needed no thought or discussion! I will heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead~! But I knew I needed a mission that fit my personality and the personality of those I felt God wanted to use the Fusion to reach! I didn't want to reach church people cause they were already reached, so what was the point in making them feel comfortable! I wanted the lost! (Matt. 28:18-20) to be quite honest I don't want people at the FUsion who don't want what I feel God wants to do with the Fusion! As a team we heard the Lord tell us three words when it canme to the mission, (Relevant, Real, Reproduce). We looked up all three words in the dictionary and were sold. Then the funniest thing happen! Those who knew God had called them to the Fusion were sold on the vision! Then another not so funny thing happen, all of a sudden I begin to hear rumors of negativity about the word relevant in The Fusion from the people who should support you the most, Christians. As i talked to people who don't go to church they loved the vision! I was so tired of not being able to invite friends to church because they felt judged or didn't fit in. Of all places in the world this should never happen is in the body of Christ, yet oddly enough it does! " I was beging to hear words like post modern church, emergent church, relevant church and they were used in a very dishonoring way! I have to admit I was a little naive and had never read any of the books or heard of names like Rob Bell or Mars Hill Church!?!?! So like any good person i googled it, watched a few YouTube videos, read a few reviews both positive and negative and was shocked at the dishonor baby Christians showed towards men of God and church leaders. Why does this have to happen in the body of Christ! I have tried to create a culture of honor and feed myself with such sermons, books, and materials. So this was an eyeopening experience when you live contrary to such mockery, ridicule, and dishonor from others! Of course with every movement of God there are a few bad people out there and a few people like us with wrong theology in some areas but I liked what I saw as a whole and the testimony's I had heard from the people touched by it! I have yet to read any books. I will say after hearing out both sides, I then all the more wanted to keep the word relevant in the mission statement. How could people be so upset over a good word or something being relevant to the people of there day? If this meant I had to water down theology or not offend or preach something other then the Kingdom message if I used the word, then obviously you don't know me! I like wearing jeans and a t-shirt to service! I like a place where seekers feel welcome, I love rockin worship, I love videos and fun people, I love a place of creativity, I love the word of God being preached, I love where people are free to love Jesus at there own pace and rate! I don't like dress codes or arranged seating, superficial people, swallow relationships, mockers, hidden rules not in the bible, music only my grandma would like! So the funny thing in all this is God told me to do it and I never new a word could cause such upheaval in peoples honor of there brothers or sisters in Christ! Hear is some synonyms of the word and you decide!
e·vant· adv.

Synonyms: relevant, pertinent, germane, material, apposite, apropos
These adjectives describe what relates to and has a direct bearing on the matter at hand. Something relevant is connected with a subject or issue: performed experiments relevant to her research.
Pertinent suggests a logical, precise relevance: assigned pertinent articles for the class to read.
Germane implies close kinship and appropriateness: "He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue" (Marlin Fitzwater).
Something material is not only relevant but also crucial to a matter: reiterated the material facts of the lawsuit.
Apposite implies a striking appropriateness and pertinence: used apposite verbal images in the paper.
Something apropos is both to the point and opportune: an apropos comment that concisely answered my question.
These adjectives describe what relates to and has a direct bearing on the matter at hand. Something relevant is connected with a subject or issue: performed experiments relevant to her research.
Pertinent suggests a logical, precise relevance: assigned pertinent articles for the class to read.
Germane implies close kinship and appropriateness: "He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue" (Marlin Fitzwater).
Something material is not only relevant but also crucial to a matter: reiterated the material facts of the lawsuit.
Apposite implies a striking appropriateness and pertinence: used apposite verbal images in the paper.
Something apropos is both to the point and opportune: an apropos comment that concisely answered my question.
Hey N8!
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blogs! Love it! You and Heidi definitly are people of revelation, which comes from being close to God!People will only deny God's calling on both of your lives becuase of there insecurities. I'm really excited for what God is doing through Fusion! One thought that struck me while reading this blog was, to be a radical, God calls you to live in standards of him...and through expereince, in MC,being around secure people...when you're insecure and see people who arn't, it's very easy to be judgmental,feel convicted and run from people who are the real deal. Though, those who really want God will see the real God in the people, like you and Heidi, who do the radical, and call others to the radical! To many "christians" are TOO formiliar with a God they don't know. God's shines in both of you! :) Thanks for always giving me the real tough words! because of that, holding on to the words and eventually seeing it in a matture way, God's been able to do some real awesome things in my heart!
blessing & favor!
-Loni (I know it says Anonymous, but it's the only way I could post, lol)
I personally believe that the primary reason that the Fusion is and will continue to be successful is because...religion isn't welcome. 'Come as you are'! One thing that you (N8) have always been fantastic at, is meeting people wherever they are at. No matter the person, the race, the creed, or even the age, you have the ability to relate and connect with most anyone. Even if they are completely different than you. It's truly 'loving' people. Not seeing people on the outside, but looking at someone, and asking Daddy, "What do you see?"!
ReplyDeleteRelevance is key...it's a heart issue, I believe. Some of my closest friends are rough on the eyes, sometimes even the ears...but they have the same heart that I have. They want to be great fathers. They want to be better husbands. They want to be with there kids..or have their broken hearts healed. Something you said in one of your first sermons was...'listen to the way the church talks'. Saying things like, Amen brother, Hallelujah. If we just relax...and let ourselves be free to actually enjoy some of the things and the people that are in this world...meaning...not being so uptight about culture...but just chillin out and letting things be...we'll see a whole bunch of people who are really cool. Really REAL to be exact. I hope I'm making sense.