These thoughts and beliefs are not necessarily the thoughts or beliefs of those who attend The FUSION! My mind is off the wall and sprat-tic to some and may be under the influence of coffee! If you like comfortable and easy then this blog is not for you! If you like to challenge status quo and look outside the box and think what if and is that possible if I try then we will get along well! I love to call all into question that which is and ask the hard questions of why? P.S. No comments will be posted as anonymous! Get a pair!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Balance of time!

#1 – I Must Be Available To Everyone
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, the leader who is always available to everyone at all times is seldom available to God.
Too many pastors/church leaders have what is commonly known as “The Messiah complex”…they feel like they are the only ones who can meet with people, pray with the sick, solve the problems and do all of the counseling as well.  (AND…in most cases I do NOT blame the people but rather the leader who has a need to be needed…who is more dependent on the people that he/she is the power and presence of God in their lives.)
I’ve heard it said before…and I will say it again, if you NEED people you can’t LEAD people.
We cannot be available to everyone at all times…JESUS WASN’T!  Luke 5:16 (as well as numerous other verses) talk about the fact that Jesus OFTEN sought solitude so that He could simply pray, reflect and focus on the Father…we’ve GOT to do the same if we are going to be leaders that IMPACT God’s Kingdom.
#2 – I Can’t Be Available To Anyone
The problem in many cases when we try to fight lie #1 is that the pendulum swings to the extreme opposite and we actually believe that the leader could not and should not ever be available to anyone…at anytime…for any reason.  Thus the pastor/church leader becomes more of a king than a servant and completely loses touch with the people he is called to lead.
Jesus was the PERFECT model for this…if ANYONE had a packed and important agenda it was Him.  He knew He had three years…He knew He had a job to do, and yet we see Him quite often in the Scriptures taking time to hang out with little children, heal the sick, have dinner with some “sinners” and have a conversation with a woman who had a pretty bad reputation (see John 4).
We’ve GOT to listen to the Holy Spirit on this one…we’ve GOT to allow HIM to shape our agenda…and, if our agenda NEVER includes the people we are called to serve…then there is a good possibility that we are pursuing our agenda, not His. - Perry Noble
I found this very interesting because I was never taught the balance of boundaries!  Thanks to two of my mentors this has brought some much needed balance to the mentality of SUPER pastor!  I made the huge mistake of allowing people to get to close and for myself to share private things from my life with to many people. I love living a life of balance and wish that this was common talk around ministry.  I challenge you to ask your wife and kids what they want of your time and don't make the same error I did and listen to the cry of ministry, people, and leaders, over the always faithful cry of my family!  This is hard balance and is more of a tight rope act than instant solve.  The time I get alone now with Jesus and my family has been a lifesaver.  

1 comment:

  1. Keep doing what you do best. You guys are great, and you deserve the best. Enjoy that time that you have with your family, and the time you have to be YOU! Love you guys!


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