These thoughts and beliefs are not necessarily the thoughts or beliefs of those who attend The FUSION! My mind is off the wall and sprat-tic to some and may be under the influence of coffee! If you like comfortable and easy then this blog is not for you! If you like to challenge status quo and look outside the box and think what if and is that possible if I try then we will get along well! I love to call all into question that which is and ask the hard questions of why? P.S. No comments will be posted as anonymous! Get a pair!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Your Child's Greatness!

Not too long ago I was in a discussion about parenting and we were discussing the idea about raising your children according to their unique personality, life language traits (communication profile), strengths, and weaknesses.  Basic idea was each child being different and having different needs.
As I was preparing a sermon about parenting I came across the Verse:
Prov 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. NASU
I have heard this verse taught in a way that seems to be negative to the child; to train them up to go in the way we desire!  It is a far too common mistake to train and teach our kids in what we like or want for them. Yet I feel one of the biggest mistakes we can make as a parent is to have a cookie cutter approach to child training; a one sizes fits all approach. Often what we see in parenting, and do as well, is a well rounded approach to parenting.  Although we need to spend the time training in all areas, it is a trend to spend more time and energy focusing on bettering the weaknesses of a child instead of maximizing his or her strengths. Yet as we spend more time working on their weaknesses we are teaching balance and not success!  One thing I have learned is that nothing is balanced and balanced people are seldom history makers in this thing called life. I have never met a well rounded person that is great at everything they do, and I haven't met a well rounded person who excels at just one thing in an epic way.  When we focus on taking our children's weakness from bad to mediocre, we are not developing their strengths which could make them world changers, all for the goal being “balanced”.
As I was looking through the verse in it's original Hebrew, I noticed it literally translated, “Train a child according to his way”.  This verse has more meaning than training a child by giving them good structure or sound instruction.  It also has another element: it is a customized approach of training based upon your child’s unique gift set, talents, strengths, and individual DNA.
In my studies on leadership, the common thread that covers most every trend is to work on your strengths.  Effective leaders spend their time training, investing, and focusing on other people’s strengths to make them successful! Yet very few parents take the time to invest in the place of their potential greatest influence, and what should be our 1st priority, our children!  I've heard it said that mediocrity is mass-produced but success and excellence must be custom designed!
Just as God had a unique plan when He made you, He also has a unique plan for your child, not to be a carbon copy of you or anyone else! There is a special purpose for our kids and it's our job to help find that and "pull it out" of them.  It is our job to encourage and challenge them to be all that their strengths and gifting mix could be.  It is our job to encourage them to be world changers and never let them settle for average, balance, common, or mediocrity.  Your child can change history and you have the ability to lead them in that pursuit!  What an amazing and scary responsibility we have when we become a person of influence who is willing to lovingly and patiently mold another human being for greatness. 

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