These thoughts and beliefs are not necessarily the thoughts or beliefs of those who attend The FUSION! My mind is off the wall and sprat-tic to some and may be under the influence of coffee! If you like comfortable and easy then this blog is not for you! If you like to challenge status quo and look outside the box and think what if and is that possible if I try then we will get along well! I love to call all into question that which is and ask the hard questions of why? P.S. No comments will be posted as anonymous! Get a pair!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Todays meditation

1 Timothy 1:8-17
Paul says - that the law is not made for a righteous person,....
I find it interesting that we as Christians put laws and rules on each other for all sorts of things from what we wear, to what we watch, to how we worship God, Etc.......(the list of judgments and rules go on and on) I know I need rules when My time with my daddy is limited or done being busy in the name of MINISTRY!  The first thing to go is my attitude which then leaves honor for other and righteous judgments up to my discretion. I find it funny or sad that leadership has put itself up in a high and lofty meeting to execute rules on others with out relationship?  It is of no wonder people have a bad view of what Christianity looks like, I understand others will always persecute, but I ask how much is persecution and not right connection in relationship with Him!  Lets face it we are all down right jerks at times!  I need relationship with God and then others to help me become what God has called me to become.  How can I as a leader or anyone legislate "christianity" apart from relationship.  Its sad we are teaching others under us to put people under laws and rules without ever hearing or knowing there heart! I recently had to deal with a situation that I could have destroyed two peoples lives if I just choose to deal with it according to how I have seen it done or hold them accountable to the rules. Yet I understand there is a greater law it is called "RELATIONSHIP"!!!  I am by know means perfect at this but just royally ticked off at how others and myself  have been treated by those relation-less leaders casting rules!  I told everyone around me I want to do what Jesus did and that is glorify the father not the judge, do only what the father is doing not the judge. Chruch is about FAMILY and not a little club we have turned it into!  What Christian leader in there right mind can make a decision without first hearing out the party being tried or forgot or ETC... just put your situation in there! Why can't we talk about the sacred cows or the elephant in the room! EVERYONE knows its there yet if you say something you will be from the devil!  Lets let relationship and fathering be our tool for judgement, dare to hear someones heart and then have balls enough to stick with them and love on them!  We are not to make laws or rules they are for the sinners not the church!  We are to make spiritual families and glorify the FATHER!  If this makes you mad, I say good!  I dare to push buttons to see leaders do relationship right!  We all got issues because of people like us and and need people like us who hear God and listen to what He says to walk them out with.  Just some thoughts I had that God told me he was mad at as well.  He loves His kids and wants to get to know them not just give the laws to live by!

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